Christian faith, Jesus and the Bible, testimonies

Evangelistic Ministry in Romania 

It started with Gypsies April 1, 2000

More Miracles - April 5, 2000

Healing en-masse in church! April 7, 2000

More healing en Masse,
April 14, 2000

Healing en-Masse in Church - April 7, 2000

God is continuing to work here in Bucharest, Romania. After spending part of the day discussing issues relating to our future work with various people, the Lord gave me the opportunity to preach at the Bethesda Pentecostal Church on Friday evening.

The place was quite full of people. After a time of exhortations, and prayers, the chosen text was read - Matthew 18:15-20. The Lord led me to preach on the subject of what to do when a fellow Christian sins against you. One result of getting our relationships right is that we can maintain the unity of the Spirit necessary to effectively deal with the devil through binding and loosing (see Matthew 18:18). On the other hand, if we maliciously gossip and speak evil of one another, we could become the stumbling blocks that cause little ones in faith to fall. Jesus warned us that those in this category would be severely judged, so I did not fail to warn the people about this possibility.

Many people repented publicly of violating this Scripture. Others that should have responded did not do so openly - probably due to pride. Nevertheless, the Lord did move powerfully afterwards when I rebuked the spirits of infirmity in the congregation through a mass prayer. Many raised there hands to testify that their pains had immediately vanished. We heard several testimonies from the congregation. Some who could not raise their arms were healed in their shoulders and were joyfully showing they could lift their arms. Others were healed of severe headaches, some of back problems. Some people who had problems in their legs testified to being healed. Some said the pain left their whole bodies. Only God knows the full extent of what happened during that prayer. We are onto something in God that could help drive the devil out of many.

After the service several people approached me that I might lay my hands of them for healing. A number did receive. We praise God for all the manifestations of his healing power and we hope these meetings will continue so that God's people will be encouraged and that many unbelievers will be drawn into the Kingdom. Its difficult at this stage to estimate exactly how many unbelievers have responded for salvation but in any case we need to keep believing that God will begin to save large numbers of people in these kinds of meetings.

Your prayers are valuable to us, so that this evangelistic ministry can continue in the power of the Holy Spirit. Please contact us if you would like to know more of what is going on, or you would like to help us.


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by Michael Fackerell 


Encouraging Thoughts

Confirmed miracles Paraplegic healed!

Ministry Testimonies:
China revival
Healing in Romania

Sample Testimonies: FORMER:

Crack addict - Deena
Lesbian - Adelaide
Satanist - Candace
Occultist - Vincent
Witch - Katina
Street Kid - Mario
Catholic Priest - Richard

Testimony Categories

A Personal Challenge For You

The people of the world can be divided into two groups. The first group are those who can clearly point to the intervention of Jesus Christ in their lives. The second are those who cannot. If you are in this latter group PLEASE don't let another hour go past before you get right with God. He loves you and has a great plan for your life! But there must be change. If you are religious but can't point to a definite work of God in your life YOU NEED to get born again in the Bible way. To find out how to get right with God, click here now.

If however, you are in the first group and you have a testimony of Christ's working in your life, God wants you to share it. Read HERE about the power of your testimony. You can overcome Satan by the Word of your testimony, and help others to find faith in Christ.

Would you like to do this? If so, start writing your testimony as soon as you can, and THEN, e-mail your testimony to me here so we can publish it for you online. Post it on the testimonies bulletin board here. In this way you are helping to fulfil the Great Commission. Some testimonies on this site are reaching 10 or even 20 people per day. Our team wishes to help people share their testimonies through the internet. Let us together bring hope to those who don't know the reality of our wonderful Savior Jesus Christ.



Christian faith - healing

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