The Lord loves me and so He saved me……….

I would like to take this opportunity to let people know that I have
witnessed & experienced the truly divine intervention from my savior
in our Lord Christ Jesus. From things I fought so hard to control but
was only able to overcome threw the Glory of God.

By reading on you will see how I overcame a destructive obsession,
saved my family, avoided jail, and more. I am 31, married, was raised
with a great religious upbringing and family etc.

Things were awesome, so i thought. I had a brand new BMW, excess cash,
late nights all that, living a life other 21 years old would love.
Living that life I came across some older gentlemen with even more
aspiration to make even more money etc and so i followed their lead,
mostly to be cooler because I had the money, I just thought they were
really cool. Long story short, I faced several years of prison, mostly
from others throwing the blame on me and making it look like i was the
main conspirator, which was the opposite. No matter what I said, the
truth never took hold and these lies they made about me continued. I
was scared like you have no idea. Life stopped, I thought I would lose
my beautiful one of kind girlfriend, would tear my family apart, and
would forever be damaged from PRISON.

Thank God that somehow that all just passed by. Shortly after I was
in Church and for the first time after 15 years of going to Church, I
felt his presence. I felt him in my heart without any warning, there I
was crying. I’m sure some of it was because i know I was part of a bad
thing and that i felt guilty for it, but more so I felt forgiven and
saved… I felt that i was saved from jail but a deeper saved I had no
words for. I was shown all the wrong things i had done, not just this
court situation, but all the cruel words I used, the misleadingness, the
perverse actions, lies, deceit, the immoral mindset, all these things
were a part of me.. All this he showed me and said your are forgiven.
Imagine someone disrespecting you and doing the opposite of what you
tell them for 20 plus years, but they show the type of love and
forgiveness you have never even imagined. You feel this love that if
you multiply your parents love by 100 that it still doesn’t feel as
good. That’s what i felt and experienced.

Fast forward to about 3 years ago.
I found myself in a great profession. The opportunity to make well over
triple digit income and have fun doing it. It was a blessing. And
after making decent money I relaxed and got comfortable with married
life. This is where my biggest struggle in life came upon me. I had
always since a young age been drawn to sex and pornography. I now was
spending most of the day in my office, door locked, looking at that
stuff rather than making money to support my families’ future.
Developed over $50k in credit card debt and was sinking fast. Even
though I know I needed to change and that I tried, I would always find a
reason or excuse to continue that bad habit. It is my opinion that the
evil one finds your weakness and uses it to breakdown your life. When
you’re not strong and not in Spirit, then his evil work is done by you,
i.e. being mean to others, not having any hope, etc. What became
ironic, is that I was so scared of going to prison several years back,
but now I had enslaved myself to this mental prison. I was dealing with
fear about the most ridiculous things, doubts about things that i never
had, always having thoughts of, “No i can’t accomplish that” or
“everything is stupid” losing all hope and no direction, all because i
was too stubborn to turn from what i know was wrong.
That’s when i felt guilty about God saving me in the past I now for the past couple years i neglected him and did what i wanted.
I was in my office in 10/14/2008, at 6:19. The lord showed me again my
new mistakes. I felt so guilty for him showing me and family so much
love and that I still turned my back again so to say. I fell on my
knees, asked for the deepest forgiveness and felt this “inexpressible
joy” take over me. The very next day i witnessed his love and
compassion for me. I has $5 in the bank i needed to pay $300 for my
wife’s dental work. I received a random phone call that I was owed
money and they came and paid me exactly $300. All of a sudden, a
project I was working on that seemed doomed took a total turn of action
and ended up being the largest compensation i have ever had. I
scheduled to look for another job the week after but thankfully the Lord
provided for us.
Imagine its 130 degrees outside, imagine running for 5 hours in that
heat, and at the end of the day rolling around in mud and trash. Now
imagine coming home and taking a long shower. That’s what I felt, God
by showering me with his love, cleaned me and energized me times a
million. Get on your knees now and confess out loud to the Lord your
sins, you will never feel better afterwords.

In conclusion:
Through deep meditation and also speaking the word of God out loud,
which has allot of power, and through the mercy of OUR creator, I am
changed person. Silencing and nullifying any attack from evil, and
looking to only put out goodness. I fell like I have become a source of
energy for others, rather than bringing them down as i did in the past,
i now have this positive energy and outlook the radiates in me,(holy
Spirit). I have answer every time i get on my knees and ask and dont
feel alone anymore. The type of confidence I have no is impossible to
gain with money or steriods or anything. I truly feel there is nothing
that I cant overcome. I can honestly close my eyes and feel the Lords
angels around me and my family protecting us. I find myself singing
Christian songs? That’s weird to me because I thought only nerdy people
did that. But once you are blessed and overtaken by the Lords energy,
everything is different. Its not easy though because you will constantly
be attacked because of your faith. Maybe not by people you see but by
the demonic powers that you don’t see i.e. temptations or doubts etc.
Those are the tools to bring you down, stay away from those. Don’t let
this world and all its tv shows, news peer pressure etc do its job and
keep you away from your faith. The closer you allow yourself to God the
more you will see its rewards.

It was on this site I found the single most important piece of
literature that helped overcome my fear of not being able to be
successful and also strengthened my faith. Search for “DECELERATIONS OF
FAITH FOR ABUNDANCE”. When i read this a few times it was good, but
when i was suggested to fully relax my body and mind, and then read
these powerful words out loud, I noticed great victories take place. I
highly suggest it.
This site is an unbelievable blessing.
Thank you lord for answering my prayers, for guiding me to this site
which you used to help change my life. Thank you for using my testimony
to change others lives. I give all the glory to you. You are the truth
and there is nothing greater than the truth. Hallelujah.





If there is anything I can do or any questions you have you can email me at [email protected]

I invite you to build a faith community together with me. Join my social media channels and let’s connect, especially if you want freedom or fullness in Christ.

My Telegram has a ministry channel. On Tiktok I have many videos and new ones regularly.

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