Hearing God, Things that Help

I’m contemplating how this matter of
hearing God works. There are plenty of clues in the Bible. The Bible
is amongst other things a record of people who correctly heard the
Word of the Lord. If God spoke to people by His Spirit, at times
without using the Scriptures, and He is the same today, then He can
still speak to people things not strictly written in the Scriptures.
This is not to say that God would say anything which contradicts His
revealed will in the New Testament, or the revelation of His
character found throughout the whole Bible.

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El ayuno – clave para el poder

Se ha dicho con razón que la oración no es la preparación para la batalla – La oración es la batalla. Y de todas las cosas que podemos hacer para aumentar el poder y la orientación de la oración, el ayuno es sin duda el más potente.

Aquí es donde la potencia es menos, porque el ayuno nos pone en armonía con un dios todopoderoso que exige la humildad de aquellos que desean estar cerca de él. El ayuno humilla la carne. Cuando se hace con ese fin, le place al Espíritu de Dios.

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Learning how to hear God’s voice – things I am learning only now

I have to say to my shame that there are certain basic things I never much practiced concerning how to hear God’s voice personally for myself. I believe the lack of knowledge here has limited the effectiveness of my communication with the Lord until now. Though I’ve heard God’s voice on many things, there are also many things in which I know I have acted presumptuously, and the bad results made me question the wisdom of trying to get specific guidance outside of just reading the Bible. However, the Bible is full of people who heard God in other ways besides reading the Holy Scriptures, and it contains many promises that God’s people can and do hear God’s voice (e.g. John 10:27).

Two principles I am learning are as follows:

1. When asking God to speak to us, evil spirits might give a reply also – by various means. Therefore, before expecting to hear from God, it is very good to verbally command the powers of darkness which may or may not be around to BE SILENT. Bind the powers of darkness before attempting to hear God on an important issue you are inquiring the Lord on.

2. The quality of our guidance depends on the condition of our hearts. The main problem we all face is PRIDE. The Bible says in Obadiah 3:

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Gifts of the Holy Spirit

These notes may be reproduced except for commercial purposes – visit http://www.doveministries.com

(1 Corinthians Chapter 12)


(a) Quotation:
It is supernatural in origin, eternal in duration, inexpressible in value, infinite in scope, regenerative in power, infallible in authority, universal in interest, personal in application,
inspired in totality.

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Confessions about Hearing God

I see to it that I do not refuse Him who speaks. Heb 12.25

I hear the voice of Jesus my shepherd. He calls me by name and leads me out. Jn 10.3

I follow Jesus for I know His voice. Jn 10.4

I will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for I do not know the voice of strangers. I will not listen to evil spirits. I will not obey evil spirits. I will not submit to evil spirits. Jn 10.5

I am of God and I hear God’s words. Jn 8.47

I am able to understand Christ’s speech because I am able to listen to His Word.

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