Purpose & Objectives

This lesson's goal is to demonstrate the value that God places on the fear of the LORD. The promises that God makes to those who learn to fear Him are breathtaking! If you diligently complete this lesson, you will be able to fully pursue learning to fear the LORD, knowing the treasure that awaits you.
Memory Verse for Week 2:
Ps 115:13 he will bless those who fear the LORD-- small and great alike. (NIV)
Lesson Background
Do you want God's blessing? Most men would say that they DO want God's blessing - but some build high walls around God's promises. "You must (have faith, fast, pray, walk humbly, etc.) or you will not receive God's promise," some say. But our memory verse this week declares plainly, "he will bless those who fear the LORD � small and great alike." Whether you are young or old, rich or poor, a new believer or a seasoned saint, black or white, American or Burmese - - if you fear the LORD, he will bless YOU!
But what is God's blessing? Is it a feeling, such as happiness, joy, or peace? Is it material prosperity, wealth, and abundance? Is it a long, healthy life, and harmony with your loved ones? Is it intimacy with God, and knowledge of his most secret thoughts? Believers through the ages have discovered that God's blessing includes these things and more!
Definitions � Reminder from Week 1
  1. The fear of the LORD is a profound love and deep respect for God
  2. The fear of the LORD is simply taking God seriously � he keeps his promises and expects us to obey his commands.
  3. The fear of the LORD is the attitude that results from knowing that God is watching my every action, weighing my every motive, and aware of my every thought.
  4. The fear of the LORD means to love what God loves, and hate what he hates.
Day One Homework
Scripture Reading: Intimacy with God. Job 29:1-4. Proverbs 2:1-5. Psalms 25:12-14. Psalms 33:18-19. Psalms 103:11. Isaiah 33:6(NIV)
  1. How does Job describe his relationship with God?(Job 29:1-4).

  1. Proverbs 2:1-5 Describe the attitude and actions of one who determines to know God intimately?

  1. What promises are contained in Psalm 103:11 and Isaiah 33:6?

  1. Psalm 25:12-14. What additional promise is made to those who fear the LORD?


Day Two Homework

Scripture Reading: Intimacy with God. Psalms 147:11. Psalms 31:19. Psalms 103:17. Psalms 111:10. Jeremiah 32:38-41
  1. What promises are contained in Psalms 147:11, Psalms 31:19, and Psalms 103:17?

  1. Many men seek wisdom from God to know what to do. What declaration does Psalms 111:10 make about getting God's wisdom? (Compare this to Job 28:28). Is there a connection between wisdom and keeping God's commandments?

  1. What promises are contained in Jeremiah 32:38-41? How does fearing the LORD keep you intimate with and faithful to him?


Day Three Homework

Scripture Reading: Material Provision and Wealth. Proverbs 22:4. Job 1:8-10. Psalms 34:9. Genesis 26:12-13 & Genesis 31:42. Psalms 112:1-3. Deuteronomy 8:17-18.
One primary Hebrew word for wealth is "chayil". It is a word picture of those who diligently manage assets and opportunities � not those who have hoarded large piles of goods. For example, Proverbs 31 tells us of a "virtuous" (chayil) woman. No mention is made of the quantity of her goods, but much is made of their quality and excellence. Likewise, Joseph was called a man of "special ability" (chayil). Most often, this word is used of David's men of "valor" (chayil). God appeared in a dream to Solomon, and promised him "wealth" (chayil) and riches. Yet, it is also true that faithful men and women of God accumulated large quantities of goods. For example, Job was the 'greatest man in the East'.
  1. Job 1:8-10. What is the reward for fearing the LORD?

  1. What promises are made by Proverbs 22:4, Psalms 34:9, and Deuteronomy 8:17-18? Do you believe that God wants you to prosper materially? Why or why not? What does it mean to 'fulfill his covenant' with you?

  1. Read Genesis 26:12-13 and Genesis 31:42 together. What name does Jacob use for the Lord? Does this have any bearing on why Isaac was blessed?

  1. Psalms 112:1-3. What is in the house of one who fears the LORD?

  1. What resources has God already committed to your trust? Has he given you talents/ skills, knowledge, relationships, influence, physical, and financial assets? How will fearing the Lord cause them to be blessed.


Day Four Homework

Scripture Reading: True friendship and fellowship with others. Psalm 22:25. Psalms 65:8. Psalms 119:63. Psalms 119:79. Leviticus 25:17. Ephesians 5:21.
  1. Where should you fulfill your vows to God? Psalm 22:25

  1. What produces songs of joy? Psalms 65:8

  1. Psalms 119:79 How important is it to walk with those who understand God's heart and his ways?

  1. Psalms 119:63 What is the basis used for selecting and nurturing friendships?

  1. Leviticus 25:17. Ephesians 5:21 How does the fear of the LORD affect relationships with peers?


Day Five Homework

Scripture Reading: God deserves to be feared � and commands it! Jer 5:22. Mal 1:6. Isa 8:13. Ps 90:11. Deut 10:12-13. Mal 2:5. Luke 20:13. Prov 3:7. Eccl 3:14. Eccl 12:13. Luke 12:5
  1. Compare Luke 12:5 to Malachi 1:6. Whom are we told to fear? Why?

  1. Malachi 2:5 Why does God deserve reverence?

  1. List the reasons given for fearing the Lord found in Jeremiah 5:22, Isaiah 8:13, Psalms 90:11, Ecclesiastes 3:14, 12:13, Luke 20:13.

  1. Deuteronomy 10:12-13. What does the Lord require of his people?

  1. Deuteronomy 5:28-29. Why does God want us to fear Him?

  1. Ecclesiastes 12:13 What is the 'whole duty of man'? Do you consider this your duty?


Day Six Homework

Scripture Reading: Trembling before God. Psalm 2:11. Isaiah 66:2,5. Mark 4:41. Psalm 119:120. Hebrews 12:21
Do you know only the storybook Jesus � meek and mild? Today we encounter the undeniable fact that those who know God most intimately are often "undone" by the experience. Trembling and shaking are common responses to God's presence. In fact, it is a sign of reverence to tremble in God's presence.
  1. Psalm 2:11. How are we to worship and serve the Lord?
  1. Isaiah 66:2,5. Whom does God respect?
  1. Mark 4:41. How did the disciples respond to Jesus' mastery of the storm?
  1. Hebrews 12:21 How did Moses respond to God's presence?

  1. Psalms 119:120 What is the proper response to hearing God's word?

The Last Word

  1. Summarize your learning this week in a few sentences.

  1. Take time now to pray for yourself, and for each member of your study group.

Other Lessons

The Bible
The Nature of God
The Plan of God
The Law of God
The Good News
Baptism in Water
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Fellowship and Church
Our Mission as Christians
Deliverance from Evil
Handling Resources

How to Grow
a Home Group

Bible Questions
Answered! NEW!

Spirit, Soul and Body
Power in your Words
God's will on Prosperity
Secret Pre-trib Rapture?
Divine Healing
Spiritual Warfare
The Tree of Life
Tree of Knowledge
Eternal Security

The Lord's Supper
Prayers based on the Word
